Is it healthy to breathe ionized air?

Some critics believe that air ionizers emit dangerous levels of ozone that are not only harmful to the environment, but can also be hazardous to health. When inhaled in high enough doses, ozone can have harmful effects, such as lung damage, chest pain, cough, or shortness of breath. Ozone production is a legitimate concern in the case of air ionizers, especially for those with pre-existing respiratory problems. The good news is that there are high-quality ozone-free air purifiers.

An air purifier with a high-quality HEPA filter system removes particles from the air without producing ozone. A built-in fan sends room air through the mechanical HEPA filter, which traps dirt, dust and other particles. These filters also keep those particles in place, so you don't have to worry about dust or particles ending up on the couch and floor. Most ionic air purifiers (ionizers) are completely safe and are not harmful to health.

They emit negative ions into the air as a way to clean it, which is harmless to you. They are often confused with ozone generators, which emit high levels of ozone that can be harmful to health. As more information about the dangers of air ionizers is released and presented to the public, the more informed consumers will be before purchasing an air purifier and are likely to be aware of and avoid these potentially dangerous ionizing air systems. An ionizing air purifier, known as an ionizer for short, works differently from traditional purifiers with a mechanical filter, such as purifiers of HEPA air.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, people have been installing ionizers in offices and restaurants.

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